The BetterUnite Donor Management module is located under Contacts. Here you are able to see individuals, organizations and entities that you have imported or created, in addition to anyone who has purchased a ticket or item or made a donation through your BetterUnite account. You are also able to pull reports and lists based on many search fields and export those lists to excel, .: or into an integrated software (such as MailChimp Connection , ConstantContact Connection , Emma Connection or SalesForce connection).
Add Contacts:
- Use Create New Contact to enter contacts one at a time as you receive data.
- Use Upload from a file to import a list from an excel file or .csv. Follow the instructions on the page for downloading our BetterUnite file template and mapping your file to these specifications. Then upload your prepared file.
Advanced Search:
- Click on Advanced Search to see various search fields that can be used to pull reports.
- Once you have entered your search parameters, you are able to export those results under Actions (to a file, to a connected email marketing tool or to an integrated Salesforce).
- Create and manage groups of contacts here.
- Click on Create New Group and give your group a name. That name will then be an option on all contact cards and something that you can search by.
- Manage Groups allows you to easily delete or rename a group.
- Add contacts to group: First enter your search parameters under Advanced Search. Then you are able to add all of the contacts in that particular list to a group that you have already created.
Contacts List:
- Please note that all of the headers on your contacts list are filters - you can click on Full Name, Company, Email, Donation Date, Created On, Last Contact or Donations and sort your list by each.
- Clicking on a contact will open that contact card in a new window.
Contact Cards:
- Each contact card will show basic information just below the name. Click on Edit to see all of the fields that can be included and, in the Edit window, click on More to see a few more options, as well as any How to add custom fields? that you have created.
- To add a relationship to a contact, on the individual contact card, click on More > Add Relationship. Choose the connection type, include the name and that will then become a live link on the original contact card.
- You'll see a graphic view of Payment History and an overview of donation and donation history.
- The Notes field is a great place to tell the story of your contact.
- Tags are a similar way to organize donors to Groups - generally they are a bit more on the fly kinds of delineations. The system will remember tags that you have created once and will auto-suggest them when you begin typing a previously used tag after the first time.
- Activity History is a place to log important Notes, Phone Calls or Emails: click + Add Log and select inbound or outbound and which sort of activity, then give a brief description. This activity will also be noted on the dashboard of your account.
- Payments not only lists all payments (on or offline) made by this contact, but under Add, you are able to note an offline donation or take a payment.
- You can add a contact to a particular Group by clicking + under Groups and selecting the appropriate group.
- View Membership Management Overview participation, Call Lists Overview association and Volunteer Management Activity here as well.